At Home

Hi, my name is Rilee B. so let me get started about today, so I just got home from school and well I am at home right now playing my recorder I love practicing my recorder it is fun but then my little sister and little brother want to play it so I have to put it up, but I don’t want to put it, so I guess I will put it up. Then oh lord I have to play puppies with my little sister ok so here we go I say no go play it with your stuffed animals well she says no play with me no i don’t want to play it with you and then she starts crying so my dad says go play it with her now or you will go to bed ok dad but I really  don’t want to play it with her to bad go play now ok fine, so I go play with her but then my little brother wants to play with his cars so I gotta play cars with him oh lord they are driving me crazy I can’t do both of them at the same time so I choosed to play nothing I choosed to do my homework and by the time I got done with that it was time to take a shower and then go to bed so they both cried oh well they will cry their self to sleep. Here is dad again, go to bed now kids I am getting y’alls little brother to bed and then Rilee your little sister and then you. So that is my day and you can tell that my brother and sister are kind of BRATZ and MEAN that is how I would describe them!!!! THAT WAS A RUFF NIGHT!!!!!!



Oh I forgot to tell you something else my little brothers name is Logan and my sisters name is Mckynna.

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