Category Archives: Uncategorized
My 5th Grade Year
I loved 5th grade because it felt like the days went by so fast. I loved the teachers here in 5th grade they are so nice. I love the decades that we are learning about right now they are so fun. They give you so much freedom it doesn’t seem like they do give much … Continue reading My 5th Grade Year
Goodbye 5th Grade!!!
1. The thing I liked about 5th grade was all the fun we had with our teachers, I loved field day, field trips, and all the fun stuff that we did. 2. I learned the decades and my favorite decade is the Holocost. 3. The advice I am giving the 4th graders is to not … Continue reading Goodbye 5th Grade!!!
Mountain Monster Project
Letter from Mrs.LaRue
Dear Ike, I am very confused as to why you are so dramatic. Sometimes you are a good dog but, sometimes you get out of hand. I am glad you saved me from the truck while I was crossing the street. You are the best dog in the world. I am so glad to be your … Continue reading Letter from Mrs.LaRue
Westward Expansion
Time I Was Scared
One time I was scared because my mom took my dog to the vet, and it took 3 hours. I was home alone but every time I ate something I would feel fine. Then someone rang the doorbell. I didn’t answer the door. I said, ” okay the is getting a little creepy”. I texted … Continue reading Time I Was Scared
Reader’s Theater
I don’t know why people went through that just to work, they didn’t even get a lot of money. I think it is unfair that the children had to work and they could not go to school. I think the kids need to be able to go to school. That is just ridiculous that they … Continue reading Reader’s Theater
Chamberland Filter
War Of 1812
War Of 1812 Andrew Jackson Royal Navy Over several days, British ships bombarded Fort McHenry. Fort McHenry 1812, the British began to fight back. 8th of December exchange of ratifications of the Treaty of Ghent. 18th of June the war started 2nd of February the war ended … Continue reading War Of 1812